Thank you for visiting our store update page. Here you will find out about the latest news, specials, promotion winners and food tips at The Market Supermarket. We appreciate your support.
It is becoming even more important for all of us to read food labels describing what is in the food that we are buying. Non-fresh foods have an Ingredients Label and also a Nutritional Facts Label. The Ingredients Label tells what is in the product. The first ingredient listed is the primary one contained in the food. If one of the first 2-3 ingredients is high fructose corn syrup, beware, as this additive is not nutritionally necessary and is not good for your body. When reading the Nutrition Label, look for the sodium content which is salt, and sugar content as high amounts of each are not healthy additions to your diet. Try not to purchase foods with food coloring and preservatives. The less items on the ingredients label, the better.
Happy Earth Day everyone!
Don’t forget to help us protect our environment by bringing your reusable shopping bags. All loyalty card members shopping with reusable bags are automatically entered into our monthly drawing for a $50 Cash N Go gift certificate.
Thanks for shopping with us.
Dear Valued Customer,
We wish to advise that the vessel containing our fresh supply of produce will arrive on the afternoon of THURSDAY April 19th, 2018. We anticipate having this product on display by 10 am on FRIDAY April 20th 2018.
This week’s fresh fruits and vegetables will include Pear D’Anjou, Avocados, Pineapples, Grapefruits, Spinach, Brussel Sprouts, Water Melon, Celery Asparagus, Red Cabbage, Red Seedless Grapes, Cauliflower, Honeydew Melon, Kiwi, Mangoes, Red Onions, Shallots, Green Onions, Ginger, Kale, Zucchini, Tofu ,Raspberries, Blueberries,Strawberries, Carrots, Baby Bella and Cello Mushrooms.