Thank you for visiting our store update page. Here you will find out about the latest news, specials, promotion winners and food tips at The Market Supermarket. We appreciate your support.
Dear Valued Customer,
We wish to advise that the vessel containing our fresh supply of produce will arrive on the afternoon of THURSDAY May 3rd, 2018. We anticipate having this product on display by 10 am on FRIDAY May 4th 2018.
This week’s fresh fruits and vegetables will include Grapefruits, Spinach, Brussel Sprouts, Celery Hearts, Asparagus, Red Cabbage, Red Seedless Grapes, Cauliflower, Romaine Lettuce, Hydro Lettuce, Artisan Lettuce, Mangoes, Red Onions, Green Onions, Ginger, Zucchini, Avocados, Pineapples, Cello Lettuce, Honeydew Melon, Oranges, Raspberries, Blueberries, Kiwi, Carrots, Baby Bella and Cello Mushrooms.
The branding and marketing of food products determines the success of their sales; therefore, companies want to make the packaging sound healthy, but this isn’t always the case. We must all become educated consumers. “All Natural” doesn’t mean anything at all and is the term is not regulated by the FDA, therefore it can be used freely to make buyers believe that what they are buying has no preservatives or additives. The term “Heart Healthy” has very little to do with whether the food is healthy for your heart. Check the actual ingredients to make sure. Companies are now labeling junk food, “Organic”. This does not mean that the junk food or candy is good for you. “Free Range” does not mean pasture-raised or raised in the wild. It means that animal has seen grass for at least 5 minutes a day, but may be raised in cramped conditions. Beware of these company marketing tricks and don’t pay more for something that actually is not good for you.