Chicken Leg Quarters ‘5lb packs NOW JUST $6.75 (was $7.50) Case price NOW JUST $34.99 (was $42.99).

Pork Ends: ‘5lb packs NOW JUST $12.45 (was $14.40. Bulk purchases (10 lbs or more) start at JUST $22.90 for 10 lbs (was $27.90).

Corn: NOW JUST $3.99 for 8ct (was $4.69).

Idaho Potatoes: NOW JUST $2.99 for 5lb bag (was $3.99).

Roxanne Water (24 ct of 0.5 liters): NOW TWO (2) FOR JUST $12.99 (was $13.99). AVAILABLE BEGINNING FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2018

(Note that VAT will be added on all items at the register)

We also invite you to join us for a BBQ event on Saturday, July 14 beginning at 11 a.m. Free hot dogs, pork sliders and Coca Cola drinks while supplies last! We look forward to seeing you there.