There are many ways to detox a body. A simple and easy way is by adding organic foods to your diet on a regular basis.  Eating fresh fruits aids in washing out toxins. Leafy greens give the digestive tract a boost of chlorophyll which helps to rid the body of the environmental toxins from heavy metals, herbicides, cleaning products and pesticides and also helps in detoxing the liver. Lemons, limes and oranges help the enzymes in the digestive tract. Start your day with a glass of freshly squeezed lemon water as a natural cleanser. Garlic is one of the best detoxing foods as it stimulates the liver to produce detox enzymes. Green tea increases liver function and raw veggies purge it from toxins. Using olive oil instead of canola oil lubricates the intestinal wall and absorbs the toxins and removes them. Choosing more natural whole foods and avoiding junk foods will help to keep the body clean of food toxins. You will begin to feel better and your body will be able to function more efficiently.