Which would you prefer for your dinner? These firm vegetables provide the perfect boats for stuffing as they hold their shapes while baking.  Choose large and very firm ones. Cut in half and clean out the seeds making room for the stuffing. When using zucchini, save the insides to add to your stuffing mixture. Chop onions, garlic, celery, peppers and mushrooms and saute 2-3 minutes. Mix with cooked rice, quinoa, or couscous and season with your favorite spices. Stuff the peppers or zucchini, top with a mixture of breadcrumbs and Parmesan or your favorite cheese and bake at 375 for 20-30 minutes. Using red, yellow and green peppers makes for a very colorful presentation. If food looks good, it tastes better! Serve with baked chicken and a fresh mixed green salad for a perfect and very nutritious meal. Try a stuffed pepper or zucchini this week for something different.

Visit the Market Supermarket where you’ll find all of the fresh ingredients needed for this dish While there, you can still enter our 20/20 Healthy Living Campaign and possibly win $20 towards your next purchase of fresh veggies and fruits.


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